I was in a filthy mood all day long, but it dissipated once I left the house and walked into one of the clearest twilights Melbourne has blessed us with in awhile. Funny, how that works out. There was coffee with an ex-boyfriend and later drinks with a friend of ours and I left feeling remarkably healed.
There's light to be found even after darkness has made its way into the backstreets and suburbs and city. The midnight commute home tonight was full of it. The train turning away from Clifton Hill, gaining speed, passing the last city-bound train for the evening lit up, illuminating the few and far between faces of the night's last commuters. A full moon hanging low and sweet in the sky. The digital clock at Bell Station, reading 12:11AM. Stars, strewn all along the horizon, dimmed by the glow of the CBD's light pollution. The blur of late-night traffic along Bell Street. Somebody's security lights flooding the street with its paranoia as I walk past their front yard. The shimmering, moody, joyful beats in my headphones, put on repeat, meshing with my steps, my heartbeat. A curious feeling of warmth in my heart.
The light is everywhere - it's just a matter of looking for it.
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