My headache pounds with the same force of a kick-drum and my eyes look dark and blank, ringed by circles from exhaustion. The blur of scenery outside the train windows is too fast. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
That said, here are a list of things I am grateful for.
Taking acid on sunny, Sunday mornings with two of my favourite people. Recon missions for pancakes while tripping something shocking and scaring the normals out in the wilderness. The strawberries that came on top of them. Sitting in sunny playgrounds shooting the shit with these two wonderful creatures, playing on the swings and hearing their voices come to me from three metres above the earth, quietly humming You Do Scribble to myself and feeling like a little princess. The sight of a bird's wing splayed perfectly across a glass window in your loungeroom, the way the sunlight lit up every single feather. Wondering at it's beauty as it takes off in flight. Almost falling asleep peacefully on an 9:10 train to Epping and waking up in a glorious sunlit morning, ready to take on the world.
What are you grateful for?
i'm grateful for drinking magic tea, brewed ritualistically with the deepest respect for nature's glorious gifts, with my confest family; for feeling, for maybe the first time in my life but definitely for the first time in four years, that everything will be okay. i'm grateful for being totally at one with the world, attached by unseen umbilical cords to my favourite people. i'm grateful for the chemical brothers 'further', taking us deeper than we ever thought possible. i'm grateful for dancing. i'm grateful for people who still believe in the beauty of the illicit. i'm grateful for you. i'm grateful for it all.